This Valentine's day, try our 5 top tips to make your celebration both romantic and eco-friendly.

Valentine's Day, a day dedicated to love, is the perfect opportunity to express our affection for someone special whilst also showing some love to the environment. This year, consider embracing a plastic-free Valentine's Day to reduce your ecological footprint and contribute to a healthier planet. Here are 5 top tips to make your celebration both romantic and eco-friendly.

Sustainable Gifts - Instead of traditional gifts wrapped in plastic, opt for sustainable and eco-friendly alternatives. Choose gifts made from recycled materials and consider gifting experiences such as a  spa day, concert tickets, or a weekend getaway, focused on making memories and eliminating the need for excessive packaging

Homemade Treats - Show your love through homemade treats rather than store-bought sweeties wrapped in plastic. Bake heart-shaped cookies or create a customised dinner menu using locally sourced ingredients.

Thoughtful Cards - Instead of traditional cards laden with plastic coatings, express your feelings with a handmade or plantable card. Plantable cards contain seeds that can be sown to grow flowers, or herbs creating a lasting memory, and a positive impact on the environment.

Choose Eco-Friendly Bouquets - While flowers are a classic Valentine's Day gift, consider the environmental impact of traditional floral arrangements. Choose locally sourced, seasonal flowers or even potted plants that can be enjoyed for much longer. Avoid bouquets wrapped in plastic and opt for minimal or no packaging.

Plan a Nature-Focused Date - Embrace the beauty of nature by planning a date outdoors. Whether that’s a walk in the park, a hike up a mountain, or just a stroll around your local area, spending time in nature can be a meaningful and plastic-free way to celebrate your love.

This Valentine's Day, go beyond the typical celebrations and show your love for the environment too. Small, thoughtful choices can contribute to a greener and more sustainable future for all.